What kind of pig are you?

Pigs are awesome, and every one is cool! (Well at least all the ones I said were!) But no matter what kind of animal you like, EVERYONE has a kind of pig in them!

Pigs are awesome,cool,colorful, pretty (sometimes!), funny, bubbely, shy, outgoing, ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF! Pigs can be anything! Even just like you!

Created by: Pigger
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Will you talk to anyone you meet?
  2. If someone came up to you and asked a question, would you get the right answer?
  3. What's your fav color out of all of these... pink, black, purple, or white?
  4. Do you like pigs?
  5. Do you have a lot of confidence in yourself?
  6. What is your wardrobe like?
  7. Do you like to read?
  8. What do you do in your spare time?
  9. What color is your hair?
  10. What do you want the most?

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Quiz topic: What kind of pig am I?