What kind of person will you be in a zombie attack?

The release of a virse has changes to world. The dead are now walking and they want to feat apon the living! Life as we know it will never be the same.

now you have joined a group of people to make living in a undead world more bareable. Take this test to find out what kind of person you are to the group.

Created by: Gigi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever read Max Brooks zombie surivial guide?
  2. Zobies have surrounded your safe place! Where are you?
  3. Your walking through infested area and see people you once knew fighting off 20+ zombies, they're losing. What do you do?
  4. What wepon would you choice In close combat?
  5. When to dead start walking what vehicles are you drivng?
  6. Zombies walk the earth! Quick where you going?
  7. Now you have everything you need where will you go to hide?
  8. What is the you best stratgie for killing zombies?
  9. When pack food what do you take?
  10. Have you ever fired a gun?

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Quiz topic: What kind of person will I be in a zombie attack?