What Kind of Person Are You? | Comments

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  • What Kind of Person Are You?
    Your Result: You are a popular person

    You have lots of friends, you do a few sports, and

    you are pretty. People want to be your friend. Also,

    you usually have the latest fashions if you are a

    girl and cool clothes if you are a guy . You don't

    usually get the best grades though, they are ok.

    You are a nice person
    You are a bad guy
    You are a NERD/GEEK
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    90% 81% 70% 8%

    i t says I'm popular which is true but I just want to clear up a thing. I get straight A's and in some subjects A+ so dude how can be my results or grades are just ok?

    other than pretty good quiz n it's accurate

  • Your Result: You are a nice person

    You are not necessarily popular but pretty popular. You are nice to other people and help them out. You have a lot friends that are the opposite gender because they like you, and you get invited to a lot of parties

    ^~^ Ha, thanks I guess..


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