What kind of high school kid are you? (emo,prep ect.) | Comments

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  • Emo, true I do like the emo culture music and style alot. I've always been interested in the emo stuff sense I was in middle school actually lol but I still like it to this day. I also am a loner and can be quite emotional I just hide my feelings well. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • It said I'm emo. EVERY quiz says I'm emo. :'( D'X

  • emo.. duh...... and charlcharl.... I WANT TO BE YOUR FURKIN BFF PLEASE!!! im goth-mo... as people call me -.-"

  • Emo--Woot ^.^

  • Ima Goth - maybe SLIGHTLY emo...

    But emos' don't Have to self harm, though! So, what's the problem with emos'?

    I got emo by the way!
    Awsome quize!

  • That's so funny cuz I'm super happy and don't wear black all the time though it's my fav color and people say for a positive person I talk so emo and I love emo and goth stuff. So technically you're right, but not..oh well cool quiz =D. Power to the emos

    Your Result: emo

    CONGRATS emo kid...you love music!!! SCREAMO, HEAVY METAL like BLACK VEIL BRIDES!! i know i know your thinking omg ANDY SIXX is SOOOOOOO HOT don't worry im emo too but dont let people push you around stand up for something you believe in!!

  • awesome quiz, i was actually very curious what i was, but thanks for telling me :)

  • well here are some suggestions for you missy. you should put more cool options. i got emo and this quiz has to be accurate to get more good comments. i'm just sayin.

  • Said I was emo?
    uh nooo
    I have some characteristics of them but no
    I'm just a killjoy ^-^

  • I'm not emo.... it said I was emo. I don't know what I actually am though I'm a lot of things. I've got friends who are preps and wierdos like to follow me around and they think I'm their friend and I play sports and I can be kind of mean sometimes and I'm funny and I'm smart and I love green day! but I'm not emo. oh well bye [c:

  • Im not Emo I ALWAYS get it though... im scene though

  • i just wanna start off that skittles15 ur post was really funny the way it appeared but im a jock. (You are a jock, almost just like most of the other guys on earth you looooooooooove sports,like football,basketball ,wrestling,and other sports you have alot of friends but you also still have your high school sweetheart.) well i dotn really know abotu some of that stuff considering the fact that im just a freshman and school starts i na few days, but i do play sportsand know a lot of people so yeah i guess i sort of fit in that category.

  • Emo? I don't have a label, I'm the artsy creative person.

    And just cause you listen to Metal and Rock doesn't necissarily make you emo!

    But pretty satisfying result, and I'm not picky. So 10/10. =)

    I like music
  • jock

    You are a jock, almost just like most of the other guys on earth you looooooooooove sports,like football,basketball ,wrestling,and other sports you have alot of friends but you also still have your high school sweetheart.

    what!! !! i am not a dude!!!!! i'm a chick! it makes it sound like i should be a dude just to be a jock!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, besides that i liked the quiz.

  • im not an emo wtf


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