what kind of dog are you?

ever wonder what would you be if you were a dog? what breed? what dog would you be? if you truly are an animal lover you'd be asking yourself this now.

are YOU a dog? no, but here's your chance to see yourself as one!!!! take this awesome quiz that will bring you into the world of dogs, the door is open welcome

Created by: kayla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you buy if you where shopping?
  2. if your friend was in trouble, what would you do?
  3. what would you do on a nice day?
  4. how many relationships have you had?
  5. what celebrity do you look up to?
  6. if you got into a fight what would you do?
  7. what is your fave color?
  8. what color hair do you have?
  9. do you have freckles?
  10. are you bored yet
  11. last question. what dog do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What kind of dog am I?