What kind of dog are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of dog are you?

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  • 84% germsn short hair

    you are a tall skinny person (most likely) you are very energetic and love to hunt,you are no harm to other animals but you know when a person is nice or not

  • What kind of dog are you?
    Your Result: Pit Bulls 93%

    You are a Pit Bull! You are un-liked my many. You are under-estimated. You are also loved. You can be mean if you are taught to be mean. But on the inside you are a lovable dog!

    92% Boxer
    90% Great Dane
    88% Bull dog
    85% Chow
    81% German Short Hair
    73% Bernese Swiss Mountain Dog
    73% Golden Retriever


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