What Kind of Cybertronian are you?

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Transformers is by far the best Fan thing so Here is An AWESOME quiz to see If your a Cybertronian and which one you Are So Good luck Comrad I will see you After!

Are you a Prime, A Scout, A Warrior, and Others or Are you a Worthless bait Drone? Lets Find out in this Quiz? You Ready? Set? GOOOOO!!!!!!! GOODLUCK

Created by: Samuel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a Cybertronian?
  2. How many Classes of Cybertronian are there?
  3. If your friend was slowly Dying would you?
  4. Correct this "Optimus used to have a Different name"
  5. If you found £100,000 on the Floor would you?
  6. Are you Bored?
  7. Now for a Proper Question! Is Megatron stronger than the Fallen
  8. You are in a Room with a Person you don't know what do you do?
  9. Who's your Favourite Transformer?
  10. And Finally! What your Names First Letter?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Cybertronian am I?