What Kind of a Softie are you?

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Welcome to my quiz! This is a Softie quiz to help you find out what kind of of a softie you are, I hope this helps you so that you can succeed with your life goals! PLEASE SHARE WITH FRIENDS!

How this quiz works, A few different questions will pop up onto you're screen and you will answer them to the best of your abilities, Please Be Honest so that its accurate!

Created by: Chez
  1. What is your favorite color right now?
  2. You go to a Chocolate store, what do you get?
  3. If you could be an animal for a day, what would you choose?
  4. Pick a Color combo that you like best
  5. If you could be a fairy, what kind of powers would you want?
  6. If you could listen to one type of music, what would it be?
  7. If today was your last day to live, what would you do?
  8. You and your bf having a date were would it be?
  9. You and your sister are fighting over what movie to watch and your mom comes in and asks you, "what is wrong?" what do you say back to her?
  10. Pick a Random number (THIS DOES NOT AFFECT THIS QUIZ)

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Quiz topic: What Kind of a Softie am I?
