What Jade Winglet dragonet are you? (WoF)

What Jade Winglet dragonet are you? This quiz explores your interests and likes to decide which of the heroic Jade Winglet dragonets you are. (I made the results up, do not take too seriously)

To do the quiz, pick an option out of the listed. The points you get for each question will point to your final answer. If you like this quiz, please recommend to your WoF friends or any wiki.

Created by: -Cave-
  1. Where would you rather be?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Do you like reading?
  4. Where would you go on a trip to?
  5. Are you a social person?
  6. How would you define yourself?
  7. What is your fav food?
  8. If your friend was getting bullied, what would you do?
  9. You were offered animus magic (i know jerboa III but still). What would be the first thing you do with it?
  10. Which DoD do you like the most?

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Quiz topic: What Jade Winglet dragonet am I? (WoF)
