What is your wolf name

Ok so this is a little thing i made because i was bored. this is a test that tells you what your wolf name would be. these are two names you can get: Phoenix and Akira

Here is a bit about why i made the quiz. i was bored so i made this i hope you like it and yeah there might be a few spelling mistakes i know about them ok? so yeah thats it

Created by: megan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you saw a injured deer in the back of the herd would you...
  2. you finally get a chance to be in a pack but what to say?
  3. What is you favorite colors (May affect answer)
  4. You find a mate she/he wants pups what do you say?
  5. you have pups but its hunting season and you see people you...?
  6. Your mate dies and you have 1 pure white pup and your pregnant and you...
  7. you find a house with a dog you form a bond with him/her and you become mates evan though your a wolf and he/she is a dog after he finds out you are pregnant (if male she finds out you had pups with another) he/she growls and hides in the den you?
  8. You have 6 Pups!!! and you anme them Jaylen Kayla Josh and a pure black with a white head pup Coal he was your baby you loved him more than anything but you only had enough milk to feed them through 1 week but if you only fed 1 pup you would have enough for almost 1 month so you made you choice
  9. if you had a chance would you let a human catch you to be in the zoo
  10. Do you think i should do more tests?
  11. What type of wolf do you like best
  12. Did you like the quiz?????? TELL THE TRUTH

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Quiz topic: What is my wolf name