What doughnut wolf are you?

Might sound silly huh? I guess so. But you'll discover what doughnut wolf characator you are! Just so you know I am the creator of the doughnut wolves series, Icecream puppy! If you like this test, check my video's out on youtube!

Are you Aqua, A proffesional? Or are you Inferno a strong yet harsh wolf? Or could you even be skylia a misunderstood wolf, but could be, the most powerful wolf of all...

Created by: Icecream puppy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. all right here's the classic: What's you're favourite colour?
  2. Say you were... lost. What would you do???
  3. Doughnuts, or Waffles? ( either way is fine with me lol )
  4. the following is a debate. Who do YOU think is the strongest?
  5. If you could be ANY animal, what would it be
  6. How do you describe yourself?
  7. Why are you here?
  8. Choose a back story:
  9. Someones hurting you're friend(s). What do you do?
  10. who do you think you are?
  11. What do you think you would rank in a pack?
  12. What's you're favourite colour-- No i'm just joking, What power would you want to have?

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Quiz topic: What doughnut wolf am I?