What is your warrior name (cats only)

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This quiz will tell you what your warrior name is, what Clan you’re in, and who you’re mate and kits are! DIndidjdnxujamdjcjsmjksmdjfjsjjdjxisjsjismsjdidnsjsisksmskms


Created by: Ravenstar
  1. 1. A rival Clan invades your camp you, your mate, your leader, and your friend are all pined down what do you do...
  2. 2. What Clan are you in...
  3. 3. Who is your mate?
  4. 4. What is your FAVORITE color?
  5. 5. What is your personality?
  6. 6. How soft is your fur?
  7. 7. Are you a Kittypet?
  8. 8. Do you like to read?
  9. 9. Do you have any siblings?
  10. 10. What is your rank in your Clan?

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Quiz topic: What is my warrior name (cats only)
