What is Your Vampire clan | Comments

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  • I am a true worrier and strategist, wile I can easily over power my opponents I would proffer to make someone else do it for me.

    I for see a great future for our clan were we will provide a safe and secure world were we will role over this world not as the upper class but as tutors to teach the breathers and to help them evolve into a truly spectacular race.

    Alucrad Veradun

    lord veradun
  • im upier as well i been born with duty as protector all kind even if many stress me out or annoy me vampires and humans alike i stand guard for both races put end to interferences

  • Wow upier vampier. No wonder I protect and im a master swordsman and im only 14. COOL!

  • This is the clan I am from( don't worry I'm in it just for fun). Our clan is the most dangerous because we develop our lethal skills at an early age. There aren't many of us but we make up for it with our prowess in battle. Although most clans are jealous of us we are known as the Protectors to both human and vampire which is why are mostly seen as bodygaurds. Wow, this seems pretty , many of my friends ask me to body guard them if they are in trouble, weird...


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