What is your superpower!

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All of you have super powers.In fact god made every one one of you born with a power; a talent. This is just a quiz to see what superpower you are likely to have

The quiz will determine what superpower lurks in you Do you have what it takes to become a superwoman/man?(#over-dramatic). Until now, you probably have only wondered...But it's time to find out

Created by: priyaasin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're are alone in the woods. What are/is your possible reaction(s)
  2. You discover a mythical creature (e.g unicorn), what do you do?
  3. Which would you most likely relate yourself to?
  4. What place from the choices below would you most likely wish to go to?
  5. What is your mood at the moment?
  6. What is your favorite sport(even if you dislike sports just choose one)?
  7. How strong are you(#HONESTY)
  8. If you won a lottery, what would be your first thoughts to do with the money? (#HONESTY)
  9. What clothes do you usually wear?
  10. Lastly, Do you believe you can attain powers or, you have "powers" already?

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Quiz topic: What is my superpower!