What is your personality??

Don't take this quiz seriously! I hope you have fun doing this quiz! I love to role play so I have a lot of things related to my character also yes I am a total geek/nerd!

Hey snicks here! I hope you enjoy this quiz! don't take it seriously its just for fun! this is my 2nd quiz so I hope you enjoy this quiz! also u can join me on creativefun.eu my user is TrueSnickers Bai! ~snicks

Created by: snicks
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Role Play Time! (I rp as Mal) Homecoming week! ---------------- Mal: ugh! to much Drama right?
  2. What is your favorite subject?
  3. What is your favorite hobby?
  4. Hi! I'm mal, I'm part fire fox...
  5. Mal: *barks* ...
  6. Mal: *Tail gets caught in door and yelps*
  7. Mal: *comes to class with beat up tail and a black eye and a blue ear*
  8. Hey I'm snicks, the writer!
  9. 12 question rule sucks doesn't it?
  10. LAST QUESTION! you ask me and I'll answer!!
  11. One more thing! please rate and comment! Thank you!

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Quiz topic: What is my personality??