What is your personality?

What is your personality? FIND OUT HERE!!!!! its really awsome..I promise...are you calm, cool, and observant....mean, sneaky, and quiet....or BOLD,HYPER, and LLOOUUDD!!!??

Find out in this quiz...Hurry up and take it!!!...but i cant really garuntee extremely accurate results...so dont beleive entirely everything said in this quiz..ENJOY!!!

Created by: [no emails]
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Favorite place to go on weekends...
  3. Your Bf/Gf breaks up with you. What do you do?
  4. There is a group of kids making fun of the new kid. You are...
  5. Favorite season...
  6. Favorite animal...
  7. What instrument would you like to play?
  8. l;kwnhjkalsdnf...
  9. hehe...
  10. sorry, i ran out of questions so this one is pointless and will have absolutely no effect on your results :)

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Quiz topic: What is my personality?