What Is Your Perfect Horse?

There are many horse lovers abound in this world. Many of them probably do not own a horse of their very own. If you could find out what you perfect horse would be would you?

What is YOUR perfect horse? Is it easy going and sweet or high strung and full of life and energy? You might never now but thanks to this quiz you might be a bit closer if you try.

Created by: Anie
  1. What is your favorite riding activity?
  2. How often do you show?
  3. Do you ride in a group or alone?
  4. You are horse shopping, which add catches your eye?
  5. How is your horse treated?
  6. Your 1st pony just died from colic, how do you react?
  7. You are loosing interest in horses and gaining in that cute boy (or girl) down the street and dance lessons, how do you break the news to Mom and Dad?
  8. Your best friend is coming to your riding school, she is really good, how do you feel?
  9. You are at a new riding camp! It is time to choose horses, how do you pick?
  10. You can do a project of any choice for English class, which subject do you choose?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Perfect Horse?