what is the name of the man your going to marry

I know you will be a genious when you meet him or her they are super douper amazing you be super happy about like everything it will be super amazzing

he is tottaly perfect4uomg he would be perfect for you when he would meet you he probally since you are so pretty he would go gaga all over you omg he will gaga

Created by: Em
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you look for in a guy or girl?
  2. what do you want his or hers first letter in there name to start with?
  3. what color of hair?
  4. what kind of place do you want to live in?
  5. what would you like him to look like?
  6. how old do you want to be when u get married?
  7. how many kids would you wantÉ
  8. do you like knowing the guy for a while.
  9. now take a deep breath did you do it
  10. now do you want to know who you are going to marry

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Quiz topic: What is the name of the man my going to marry