What Horse breed are you?

are you an Arabain? Maybe a Paint? How about a Shetland? Thoroughbred? take this quiz to find out!! You just might surprise yourself!! and who knows maybe your friends to!

are you strong? or maybe you are more trustworth? Just plain out nice? Just want to chill hey thats why your on the computer. Or maybe you are just FULL of energy but your parents won't let you outside...

Created by: Amethyst
  1. You have to run a mile for gym!!
  2. You are playing basketball and the OTHER team is winning.
  3. Your friend is getting bullied you...
  4. what is your faviorit color?
  5. you are...
  6. A new kid in school you...
  7. you joined cross country you are...
  8. if you were a horse you would want to be....
  9. almost done!!!
  10. last one!! you....

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Quiz topic: What Horse breed am I?