What Harry Potter Murader are you?

Ever wonder what murader are you? I have. Honestly I’m convinced I’m somewhere between moony and padfoot. Tell me what murader you are in the comments!

Are you moony, who’s smart and introverted? Are you prongs who’s talented and kind heated? Are you padfoot who’s energetic and brave? Or heaven forbid, are you wormtail who is nice. Find out right now!

Created by: Someone
  1. 1. What house other than gryffindor would you be in?
  2. 2. How long does it take you to get ready for a event?
  3. 2. Are you stubborn?
  4. 4.what type of person are you in a group?
  5. 5.smile!
  6. 6. How do you feel about your sibling/siblings
  7. 7. What’s your blood status?
  8. 8. How often do you do your homework?
  9. 9.do you want to become like your parents?
  10. Are you loyal?
  11. Who do you want to be?
  12. What is your favorite animal?
  13. Your crush comes by, what do you do?
  14. How would strangers best describe you?
  15. How would your friends best describe you?
  16. What do you feel about quidditch?
  17. Did your like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter Murader am I?
