What H2O Just Add Water Character Are You?

Do you love the H2O Just Add Water show? Do you like it yourself, or are you a parent whose kid just wants you to do this quiz? Either way it is fun. Please enjoy my quiz?

I would like to please ask you to be honest about your answers. Also I am sorry if a misspelled anything. There is no bad language in my quiz. People of all ages please enjoy my quiz!

Created by: issey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you consider yourself a rebel or a rule follower?
  2. Would it be cool or weird if you were a mermaid?
  3. Llama llama llama.
  4. What place do you live?
  5. So how do you like ice pops?
  6. What power would you want?
  7. Do like super aresome extreame parties?
  8. Do you like boys?
  9. How do you solve a friendship fight?
  10. What is your spirit animal?

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Quiz topic: What H2O Just Add Water Character am I?