What Guitar Hero level are you

A genius is a very smart person a person who invents many kind of things. Like electronics, toys, guns, and others like that. They are able to solve any kind of problem very fast and perfect.

I don't think I am because I am not very good at inventing things and I am not a straight a student or completely obideant. It's hard to concentrate on things because I might have A.D.D. Hehe.

Created by: Zach
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you afraid to try Through the Fire and Flames, Raining Blood and any level, or the 2 hardest songs on any version?
  2. Do you use a guitar or a controller?
  3. Which Guitar Hero do you have?
  4. Do you overreact when you beat a song? (Screaming for joy, etc.)
  5. How much do you play? (hours)
  6. Do you play online?
  7. Do you decorate you Guitar?
  8. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  9. Have you beaten this game
  10. Do you do Guitar battles?

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Quiz topic: What Guitar Hero level am I