what god/goddess are you?

there are many gods and goddess' and you are picked to be like them so what you have is your personal god/goddess and all of them are really cool and you should be happy

if you take this quiz you can find out who YOUR god/goddess could be like aphrodite,demeter,artemis,zues,ares,athena,hermes,hera and more just take the quiz and you will find out who is yours

Created by: veronica
  1. what is your favorite animal?
  2. whats your favorite color?
  3. would you rather...
  4. if your son/daughter was killed by someone what would you do
  5. what super power would you rather have
  6. if you and your friend got in a fight would you...
  7. what is your favorite time of the day?
  8. are you bored?
  9. whats your favorite season?
  10. do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What god/goddess am I?