what ghibli boy is your boyfriend?

what ghlibi boyfriend is yours wow amazing? very offical yes quiz very intense very spooky the options are endless (not really) and very intriging, grass

the offical ghibli boyfreind quiz, very offical very sopshicated, if you don't like your boyfriend then I'm sorry but we do not have a return address, it is now your problem (-:

Created by: darth vader
  1. What is the most important quality you seek in a relationship?
  2. What is your boyfriends opinion on veganism?
  3. What is your boyfriends weapon of choice?
  4. What is your boyfriends weakness?
  5. What is your greatest fear?
  6. What qualities do you have that'll attract your boyfriend?
  7. Do you like native growing grasses
  8. Does your ideal boyfriend have body hair?
  9. Your looking for?
  10. What is your ideal first date?

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Quiz topic: What ghibli boy is my boyfriend?
