What Gender Is For You?

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What gender is for you do you know or don't know yet if so take this quiz to find out answer this questions and you will find out this quiz is just to see what gender is for you!

This is my first quiz all about what gender is for you wanna find out?Then take this quiz to find out hope you got the one you want if not then thats how it is I guess!

Created by: MattTheWizard
  1. What gender do you think is for you?(Does not effect your score)
  2. Do you care about your hygiene?
  3. Are you good with colors?
  4. Do you listen when your quite?
  5. You found a pink hat and did not take it and a guy tell you have you seen a hat what do you do?
  6. Do you like rough stuffs?
  7. Do you think like a kid sometimes?
  8. Do you wear make up?
  9. Sense of humor or Telling jokes?
  10. What do you think your result will be?(Does not effect your score)

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