what dog breed are you

have you ever wondered what dog you wold be, or what dog to buy. this test will help with that. so please take the test and i promise that you won't regret it.

are you a golden retriever, or a Dalmatian, or kelpi, or a fox or even a british bull dog. or are you a straight out mutt? why don't you take the test and see?

Created by: kyla
  1. pick a personality that most describes you
  2. pick a weapon
  3. pick a number
  4. pick a come back
  5. life is......
  6. what would you do if some captured your family
  7. pick a sport
  8. pick a colour
  9. pick a side
  10. what do you call a cat in a dryer (it's only a joke)
  11. pick a season
  12. pick a song (or the one that appeals most to you if you haven't heard them)
  13. last question. pick a pattern

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Quiz topic: What dog breed am I