What does Slappy think of you?

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What does Slappy think of you? Have you been wondering this question? Well, now is your chance to find out whether Slappy approves you or not! Enjoy!!!

Does Slappy love you? Or just like you? Or dislike you? Take this super fun and amazing quiz to find out what Slappy-- a well-loved character-- thinks of you!

Created by: Slappy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Slappy: Hey, SLAVES! Me: Really? Slappy: Oops, sorry. Er, let's move on before I get weird... or mean... or-- Me: Question, please! Slappy: Okay. Favorite monster?
  2. Slappy: Hmm... let's see... uh... favorite type of music?
  3. Slappy: What do YOU think of ME?
  4. Slappy: Have you seen the Goosebumps movie? If so, did you like it? If so-- Me: Ssshhh...
  5. Slappy: Halfway through.
  6. Slappy: Do you want to be my slave/servant?
  7. Slappy: Favorite color? (The next few questions may or may not count towards results.)
  8. Slappy: Hmm... favorite quote (from me)?
  9. Slappy: What did you think of this quiz?
  10. Slappy: Bye!!

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