what do your clothes say about you?

you are taking a quiz about hot ppl wearing hot clothes if you want to be cool you have to look cool so wear abercrombie and fitch and hollister make yourself look good and then people will look at you and go wow she paid a lot for her clothes she must be rich

ummm, well, ya know people who shop theere are cool and they know it the lame people who shop at like target and wal-mart are classified as dorks weirdo's and nerds if u are seen wearing crap people will definitely look down on you. so spend some money would ya

Created by: dufus
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like your friends?
  2. Do you look at prices before you buy things?
  3. Are short skirts cute?
  4. are u popular
  5. do u like guys
  6. do you think you are better than everyone else
  7. what makes you happy
  8. do ur feet smell funny
  9. do u know what 2+2=
  10. r u constantly looking in the mirror
  11. r u constantly looking in the mirror

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Quiz topic: What do my clothes say about you?