What do you need to be happy again?

Are you stressed out? Have you tried everything to bring back your happiness! Here's the answer of what you need to be OK again! This quiz is truly helpful, thank you for deciding to take it!

Is it your hobby that will make yo happy? Is it your friends and family? Maybe true love? Or just plain rest? Let's find out!!! If you decide to take my quiz, I thank you very much, and wish you to find your true happiness!

Created by: WorldWonderer17

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you spend your free time on?
  2. Which song symbolizes you the most?
  3. Which quote do you like the most?
  4. What bugs you the most?
  5. What color do you like the most?
  6. If your house was on fire, and you could save one thing, what would it be? (excluding family members)
  7. Pick an animal:
  8. What would you never do?
  9. Pick the second best quote!
  10. Pick another song:

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Quiz topic: What do I need to be happy again?