What Do You Know About Stuffs?

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Do you know things? I'm sure you do. Why not take this quiz to find out how well-versed you are in the knowledge of random things? It'll be fun. I'm sure.

All you have to do is take the quiz, give an answer, and see what you get. These were just random questions in my head, so let's see how you do. Good luck.

Created by: NitroTails12
  1. Most squids have how many arms?
  2. Is it a cuddlefish or cuttlefish?
  3. What is the longest day of the year?
  4. How long does it typically take for an apple tree to grow apples from a sprout?
  5. Is Washington D.C. a state?
  6. What are bunny binkies?
  7. Who sings "Peaches" in the Mario Bros. Movie?
  8. Can crabs be pets?
  9. Can lobsters breathe air?
  10. How long did it take to make this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What do I Know About Stuffs?

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