What do people think of you?😐

I know sometimes we wonder what people think about us so here you go it's the best I could do but it has most accurate answers lol try it out you might like what you se

What are you to others? Figure it out whT they thing about you every dat of the years you old be cool or boring I don't know find out here boo boo !😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

Created by: Heybooboo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a rumor is spread about you or your friend you ?
  2. Some one says your cute you?
  3. Someone yells at you?
  4. You fall in front of a cute guy or girl
  5. Dance?
  6. What's you favorite color
  7. Hey boo boo?
  8. Do you feel good about yourself
  9. Can you sing
  10. What do you look like

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