What Divergent faction are you?

Original questions based on my own interpretations of the Divergent factions. Reading of watching the movies/books before this quiz may be necessary!!

What faction do you belong in? Good luck and be honest to get the best answer for you. Thank you for taking my quiz. I hope that you enjoy it!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Anna
  1. Fear is...
  2. Kindness is...
  3. Intelligence is...
  4. Honesty is...
  5. Selfishness is...
  6. Conflict is mainly caused by...
  7. Divergents (outcasts) are...
  8. On a weekend, I wear...
  9. My favourite Divergent book character is...
  10. Rate this quiz out of 7 (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What Divergent faction am I?
