What Creatu are you?

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Anyone could wish they were some sort of Creatu. But why not know for real? Check out this quiz to see what creatu you'd be!

What Creatu are you? A cool Veram or mabye a sky Meragon? test your skills here to see what Creatu you would be!

Created by: zozane of Rescreatu
(your link here more info)
  1. You are invited to a Party for Popular Creatu!
  2. Your being bullied by a not-so-nice Wyrae.
  3. Your friend asks as is he/she can cheat off your paper.
  4. Will you suggest this quiz to your friends?
  5. Your friend's dog just died. You want to confort her, but you have a date with a hot guy/girl....
  6. Someone spread a horrible rumor about you.
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. Whats your favorite animal?
  9. A snake just crawled over your friend's foot, and someone threatens to kill it with a pocketknife.
  10. A magical genie dude grants you three wisheds.

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Quiz topic: What Creatu am I?