Many people have a colored personality. Colors are one way of telling how happy, sad, angry, or even hyper you are. Colors represent many things but mostly the way you are.

So, do you know what color you are? Are you Blue, Green, Purple, or maybe even Pink. Are you Sad, Lucky, Happy, Optimistic, Energetic, or are you Angery? Take this Quiz if you really want to Know! I Know what I am.

Created by: Em
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How would you describe yourself???
  2. DO you wear alot of the same color?
  3. What would you rather do on a Saturday afternoon?
  4. Do you like to shop?
  5. Do you love animals??????????????
  6. What country would you visit????????
  7. What is your favorite sport?????????
  8. Last question.Pen or pencil?
  9. What would you do if you saw a baby bird fallen from it's nest?
  10. What color would you chose of the four?

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Quiz topic: WHAT COLOR am I????????