What Color Are You?

Take this quiz! Great time-waster :) I'm sure you wanna know what color you are! ( Come on, you know it too ;) So take this quiz and find out! Enjoy :)

What color are you? Red? Blue? Purple? Green? Yellow? Why not take this quiz and find out! I'm trying to find something to fill this thing up so just please take this quiz!

Created by: olivia
  1. In your "Group Of Friends", who are you?
  2. How Do You Spend Your Spare Time?
  3. Would you rather be alone or with friends?
  4. What's your favorite animal?
  5. Which three words best describe your personality?
  6. What would your typical outfit best be described as?
  7. Whats your favorite color?
  8. Now what's your least favorite color?
  9. How popular are you? (10 being most popular)
  10. Did you like this quiz? ( no effect on result )

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Quiz topic: What Color am I?