What clan do you belong to?

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Join a site where you will learn manny secrets, about others, about death, or some about you that you never knew. 3 group, dragons, vampires and wolves roam the island. Come and find who you will stand with for this epic journey

Come and find your secrets that you never knew here, but first you should know what group you belong to. thesecretsawakening.webs.com

Created by: Trinity
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Every high position in your group is dead from a treacherous battle. Only normal members are left, how do you decide the new leader?
  2. Everyone in your clan is dead. And the healer believes there may be a cure over the far away mountains. What do you do?
  3. In the dead of winter, you find a little baby in the snow, just minutes away from death, should you save him or let him perish?
  4. What is the color of your eyes?
  5. In the heat of the battle, on the left you see your BFF being mauled by an enemy and about to be sliced in half. On the right you see your mate hanging on the end of a cliff with only 1 paw. You can only save 1.
  6. Do you follow the rules???
  7. Who are your friends you hang out with like, tell the truth, ok.
  8. What is on your mind?
  9. If I tell you to think of a picture in a cloud, what do you picture in your head?
  10. Where do you think you will go when you die?
  11. You see a moose that is mortally wounded and limping out in the open. The only problem is that it is on your clan’s enemy’s territory.
  12. Your clan has captured someone from your mortal enemy’s clan. It is up to you to decide what happens to the captured.
  13. What is your battle strategy?
  14. Are you sarcastic?
  15. You see a sparkling ball on the ground. It is shiny and glows in the sun.
  16. How lazy are you? Do you get others do you your work? Or no?
  17. It is your last day of school and your moving to another country the next day. You want you're teachers to 'remember you' very well. What should you do?
  18. What is your goal in life?
  19. In a battle, you see your someone you met and made friends with in the ennemie battle patrol. When the two armys colide, that friend runs strait at you, with bloodshot eyes.

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Quiz topic: What clan do I belong to?