what chartoon character are you?

This quiz is just 4 fun.Don't be afended if the quiz calls you dumb.It's just part of the answer.and if you don't like it don't take the quiz.Expecally if you have "low"self-esteem.

Are you a genuis.Do you have what it takes to take this quiz if not then don't take it.but i believe in You.now take this quiz please and remember it's just 4 fun.

Created by: Iris Vasquez
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you fun and creative?
  2. Are you crabby all the time?
  3. What is your favorite shape?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Do you like to watch cartoons?
  6. Are you lazy?
  7. Are you scared of ghost?
  8. Do you act like a kid?
  9. Ae you a math geek?
  10. How old are you?
  11. whats you lucky number?

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Quiz topic: What chartoon character am I?