what channel do you rep? (kids stations)

we all are picky when it comes to what we want to watch. but lets explore the kid inside of us all. what channel station did we like then? there were three that was neck to neck with each other.

do you want to know what channel you rep? do you already know and want to see your compettion. well take this quiz! WARNING THE FOLLOWING QUIZ IS BASED ON PERSONAL OPINION SO THE RESULT MAY NOT MATCH YOUR ACTUAL PREFERENCE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Created by: teendetectivekc
  1. what's your favorite color?
  2. it's late at night. what are you watching?
  3. you're sick and don't go to school. what do you watch?
  4. before tv got lame, what was your favorite sit com?
  5. what's your favorite sit com now? (well now its just called tv series)
  6. before tv got lame what was your favorite cartoon?
  7. what's your favorute cartoon now?
  8. i'm running out of ideas so here is a list of some of my favorite shows of all time!
  9. (thought of something) what is your favorite theme song out of the following?
  10. last question. if you were trapped on an island with one DVD what would it be?

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Quiz topic: What channel do I rep? (kids stations)