What car are you most like?

There are many cars in the world, but few are in trims you like. What is a trim. a trim is like suv, wagon, sedan, my mom, and they all have a specific reason

What trim type are YOU!? Do you have the power to be a muscle? or room to be an SUV? in about two- three minutes you can find out the truth about your self

Created by: timothy9903
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like cruising?
  2. Do you like music other people would hate?
  3. Do you like racing?
  4. Like drifting?
  5. Want good gas milage?
  6. Do you use it to carry a load?
  7. Pedobear
  8. Forever alone?
  9. Price?
  10. Do you find this question important?

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Quiz topic: What car am I most like?