What candy are you

THis quiz will tell you what candy is like you. there are 3 kinds some of the questions have no effect for the final answer i think there is one like that.

But try your best hope you do good and i got this idea from my friend she is the one who inspired me and what all so whatever i hope you like the quizzzzzz

Created by: Katy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your parents say you cant go out what do you do
  2. Your at a party who do you hang out with
  3. your the ..... in the class
  4. how long do you do your hair
  5. what make up do you use
  6. your late for the bus what do you do with ur hair
  7. how do you dump a guy
  9. are you in the crowd
  10. your favorite kind of music

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Quiz topic: What candy am I