What cabin do you belong in?

Welcome to this quiz! This will determine your godly parent! Will you be related to cool Poseidon, pretty Aphrodite, strong Ares or cunning Hermes. Doing this quiz will help you find out.

There are so many results! Can you guess who you will get? Try not get upset if you don’t like your result, this quiz has been made so it is accurate! Of course you don’t want to get stuck in the cramped Hermes cabin unclaimed so start NOW!

Created by: 12345678
  1. What is your home turf?
  2. Choose a animal
  3. Favourite symbol
  4. Do you like love hearts?
  5. Favourite color
  6. I say Alpha Centauri you reply
  7. Are you….
  8. When you think of your godly parent what do you think of?
  9. You are offered a quest…..one that might kill you……
  10. Do you attract monsters?

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Quiz topic: What cabin do I belong in?
