what bleach ghost type are you?

in the anime bleach, there are many types of ghosts. there are the good and bad ghosts and each posses a unique type of power. there are soul reapers, vizards, bounts, and arrancar

well, if you were in the show what type of ghost would you be? a noble soul reaper? a careless vizard?? a vampire like bount? or perhaps you are an arrancar? well find out in a few questions

Created by: exornium
  1. what type of clothes do you prefer?
  2. in school, what kind of kids did you hang out with?
  3. if you had any powers, they would be....
  4. you see someone being mugged, you....
  5. I fight
  6. what do you think about fighting?
  7. what kind of friend are you?
  8. what creature do you like?
  9. if you could help rule the world, you would be.....
  10. what kind of movies do you like?

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Quiz topic: What bleach ghost type am I?