What awesome element werewolf are you?

This is a quiz to tell you what element werewolf you are and the elements variy to fire ,water ,air or earth!!!!!!!!!! it only takes a few minutes to!!!!!!

This has 13 questions to see your result so i wish the best of luck. GOOD LUCK!!!! and enjoy! be careful of wich choices you take because that will be your result!!!

Created by: firewolf
  1. What's your favourite element
  2. Do you like fighting
  3. Leading.....
  4. Your dream house?
  5. A 6 year old girl came up to you and said a fire wolf is burning my house down! You do\say what?
  6. A really hot girl or boy walkes past you and there the same element and you don't have a relationship. what do you do\say?
  7. aggresive
  8. marshmallows go well
  9. who's hungry?
  10. i'm getting some food
  11. yummmm ( swallows ) i had a chocolate yoghurt!

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Quiz topic: What awesome element werewolf am I?