What are you? A quiz of what you really are(clique)

Many people say they know their true character, but they don't. try to find out and take this quiz. honesty is my only helpful hint for this quiz, if you want the truth, then tell it how it is. Your results might shock you, but they're totally true.

FIND OUT WHI YOU ARE TO OTHERS. You might have a totally different opinion of who you are. but the other people have a say in it too, take this wuiz to find out what you've become. and find out some helpfull ways to change.

Created by: miriam Perala

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you think of your self?
  2. what would you wear?
  3. if your friend had a ticket to a concert you wanted to go to lying on her desk, and she was gone what would you do?
  4. if you and your friend had a crush on the same person you'd?
  5. a cute guy/girl asks you to dance but you have a boy-girlfriend, you.....
  6. what would be your perfect day
  7. theres a party going on....
  8. you are
  9. all your friends know
  10. favorite saying

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Quiz topic: What am I? A quiz of what you really are(clique)