What are you????

Im tired,os i am going to bed. It may seem that you search for you to empty a voic, but you can fave anything if youbelieve in yourself. Don't stop beliving.

You are a genius if you try to be. i am only wonder what you are, and you can be whatever you want to be. I don't want to go to bed, but i have work, so live on MCR.

Created by: angel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What mood are you
  2. What is your favortie band
  3. What is your favorite color
  4. Are you bord easily
  5. Yes
  6. "Oh, where half way there."
  7. Do you like school
  8. have you ever stole
  9. What is your luky number
  10. Im tired
  11. I love mcr

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Quiz topic: What am I????