What are U emo,rock or poser

to me smart is genius and there is no difference and no one knows everything and everyone is smart and a idiot including myself and those closet like my boyfriend.

Yes i am but i am not the brightest so ill say I'm average but i don't think anyone is smart or dumb they are only lerning from mistakes so if u think your dumb you're smarter than what u think and if u think u know everything u are still lerning.

Created by: CRYSTILLEYYA122334
  1. What music do u listen to?
  2. I know u might not like this,but what is your fav color?
  3. What is your deffinition of emo?
  4. If i saw u right now what would u look like?
  5. Do u have peircings other than the bottom of the ear?
  6. Are u emotional?
  7. Do u think all emos cut themselves and u have to be emo if u cut yourself?
  8. What do u think u are?
  9. Why did u take this quiz?
  10. Be honest did u told the truth?
  11. This is my first test i made did u like this,don't worry this ain't going to affect u test results?

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