What Alternative Bad Word Are You?

How many times have you caught yourself in a car full of your elders and almost slipped a bad word? We all have. You're not alone. Now you can answer the question always on your mind: What Alternative Bad Word Are You?

No one likes to have a bad word slip from their mouth. So, humanity has created the legendary "alternative cuss words." (Thank you, it was much needed) So now all of society can figure out which one they resemble. Everyone's dream!!!!!!

Created by: Felix
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were at a restaurant, what would you get to drink?
  2. Where do you shop?
  3. How many kids do you have?
  4. What's your favorite show?
  5. Where's your dream vacation?
  6. What kind of music are you into?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. Who is your idol?
  9. What's your dream job?
  10. Who's your daddy?

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Quiz topic: What Alternative Bad Word am I?