Welcome To The Pretzel Store!

Hello, welcome to the pretzel shop, at this shop we sell pretzels, pretzels, and more pretzels! I hope you like pretzels! I know that I do! So yeah, buy some pretzels.

My employee: ummm so that was a terrible sales pitch. we have lots of different kinds of pretzels and all of them are very delicious! This is the greatest shop ever cause it has the most pretzels!

Created by: Ruby Serene
  1. Hey welcome to the pretzel shop!
  2. Would you rather have crunchy pretzel or soft big pretzel?
  3. What shape do you want your crunchy pretzels to be?
  4. Would you like cinnamon and sugar or extra sea salt on your jumbo pretzel?
  5. Okay, next would you like some cheese sauce for said jumbo pretzel?
  6. Would you like any pretzel buns for your sandwiches or pretzel crust or anything?
  7. Okay, how about the pretzels with peanut butter in them?
  8. HEY I NEED A (whatever you ordered) girl in the back of the shop: wait slow down wait I can't-
  9. girl: okay here is your order. *gives you wrong order*
  11. *she gives you the right order*
  12. Okay, so that's $50,000,000.17
  13. Oh so you want a container of sea salt it's only $500 extra
  14. You can also have salt from the Himalayan Mountains that costs only $1,000
  15. There is also regular table salt for $0.01 but that's trash you don't want it.
  16. Thanks for coming to the pretzel shop come again!
  17. WAIT!!! I forgot to mention we also have a new single coming out soon make sure to buy it it's only $1,107
  18. Remember to rate the quiz and comment.
  19. 18 questions is a weird number and it's lowkey kinda bugging me
  20. 20 is a better number now I'm happy but seriously remember to rate/comment :)

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