Weather and Climate

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Hey guys! Welcome to my quiz. That´s a quiz for people, who want to improve their know about weather and climate or show how good they are already. :)

There are 10 questions with different answers. Only 1 answers is right. Try to tick the correct answer. At the end of the quiz you now if you are a specialist or a loser.

Created by: Isabella
  1. What is weather?
  2. What are Climate dangers?
  3. Characteristics of continental climate?
  4. What is the result for cool summers and mild winters ?
  5. What are Extensive Winds ?
  6. Name different precipitations!
  7. How is the structure of the atmosphere?
  8. What is precipitation?
  9. Where is the pressure the highest?
  10. What is a possible solution for the ozone destruction?

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