Warrior cats love story part 5

Stonepelt is our newest warrior! But so is Fishleap. :< And your warrior ceremony willing come up soon too with Silverpaw, Shimmerpaw and your littermates!

Also I want to acknowledge Pathbreeze and Warriorslover66 for inspiring me and your quizzes are the best! And thanks to Warriorslover66 to commenting on me.

Created by: Rainsong
  1. You remember last time right?
  2. Who is _______?
  3. You and ____ were sharing the squirrel you caught.
  4. When suddenly…
  5. A fox jumped out at you!
  6. You yowl for help bout obviously everyone in camp knows. Shimmerpaw tries to help but Silverpaw gets there first.
  7. As you fight, you notice a big wound on your side from the fox. After the fox ran away, you suddenly felt exhausted, and collapsed on the ground. The last thing you see is your clanmates gathering around you and your eyes close.
  8. You blinked your eyes open to see a warrior in front of you that had stars in her fur. “Am I dead?” you ask. “No, Rainpaw. You still have a long future ahead of you.”she mews,” Beware the fall of fire and the quick storm. But all is not lost, for the song of rain, the leap of dust, the fur of ice and the stripe of silver will save the day.”
  9. You blinked your eyes open to see a warrior in front of you that had stars in her fur. “Am I dead?” you ask. “No, Rainpaw. You still have a long future ahead of you.”she mews,” Beware the fall of fire and the quick storm and the traitor in the shine. But all is not lost, for the song of rain, the feather of dust, the fur of ice and the stripe of silver will save the day.”
  10. Bye!
  11. Also, if you are not Warriorslover66, then you can skip this and answer randomly (please don’t read this if you aren’t as it will be no use) But if you are, I don’t have an account so I can’t comment :( Here are some suggestions for a prophecy anyway: you can use my prophecy if you want or here is another one: When the dark storm arises, there will be the song of feather, the flame of lion and together the spark of heart will banish the storm forever.

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